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Jeśli chcesz zapamiętać nowe słownictwo i umieć swobodnie go używać, musisz włączyć je do twoich rozmów po angielsku. To proste! Znajdź osobę z która możesz przedyskutować temat rozmawiania przez telefon i użyj poniższych pytań do porozmawiania na ten temat.

Jeśli nie masz z kim porozmawiać, to pogadaj z naszym lektorem! Włącz wideo poniżej. Trevor zada Ci wiele pytań na temat rozmów telefonicznych. Po każdym pytaniu zatrzymaj nagranie i odpowiedz na pytanie.

Pytania do rozmowy

Poniżej znajdziesz listę pytań z nagrania wideo. Możesz dać ją Twojemu partnerowi do rozmowy czy nauczycielowi, żebyście mogli wygodnie “przegadać” temat rozmów telefonicznych po angielsku.

When you answer the questions, use the bolded word frequently so you will remember it better. 

  1. What do you do when you want to call somebody: do you dial or choose them from your contacts? Would you put a number to your drug dealer in contacts? What other people would you prefer to dial than to have in contacts?
  1. Do you ever ask other people to take a call for you? Why?
  1. Is there something you don’t discuss over the phone? What is it? Why don’t you talk about it on the phone?
  1. How can you check your agenda? On your phone? Computer? Is it convenient to use your agenda?
  1. Do you want to listen to some music when you call a helpline and you are on hold? Why?
  1. If somebody wants to speak to your colleague but he or she is out of the office, do you offer to send a message, or do you tell them to call or come back later? Why?
  1. How often do you text or message people? Can you think of a situation in which you should instead call them?
  1. With whom can you hang up if you don’t feel like talking? With whom can you not?
  1. What is your ringtone? Has it ever embarrassed you? If it is the default ringtone, do you want to pick up other people’s phones when you hear your ringtone?
  1. If you have a missed call from an unknown number, do you call it back? Is it different if you have it on your personal or business phone?
  1. Is there somebody to whom you never return their calls? Why?
  1. Do you have a voicemail? Do you listen to messages that are left there?
  1. Do you leave messages on other people’s voicemails? Do you sometimes start talking before the beep?
  1. If you call somebody and the line is engaged or busy, do you want to listen to some music when you wait?
  1. Do you use the silent or vibrate mode? When? Do you use it when you go to bed?
  1. If you had to hide from a murderer, would you remember to put your phone in silent mode?
  1. What make is your phone? How long have you had it? How often and for how long do you have to charge it? Would you like to get a new one?
  1. Where do you go if you need to make a few private calls from work? Is it permitted to make personal calls at your work?
  1. What do you use your phone for apart from talking?
  1. Have you ever: a) lost your phone, b) sent a message to the wrong person, c) forgotten to turn your phone off with embarrassing consequences?
  1. If you must take a call in the car, do you use a hands-free-set? Do you think that driving with a phone in your hand is dangerous? 
  1. Do you have phone coverage in the place you live in? Can you get a good signal for your mobile? Where would you expect to have no phone coverage? What do you do if you have a bad signal but need to have an urgent conversation with someone far away from you?
  1. Do you have a landline or home phone? Why?
  1. Do you unplug your charger from the socket, or do you just unplug your devices?
  1. How often do you get cut off when you are talking with someone? Do you have a person with whom you get cut off far too often? Any idea of how to improve it?
  1. How do you top up a pay-as-you-go mobile?
  1. Do you prefer a prepaid or postpaid phone plan? Why? Have you ever been surprised by a phone bill?
  1. Are you worried when you want to talk to your relatives or children and can’t get through
  1. Does it help to speak up when reception is poor?
  1. If you call a bank, who might say, “If you hold, I’ll put you through to the Accounts department”? Have you ever been put through to the wrong person? Did they offer to transfer you to the right person?
  1. To whom do you give a call regularly? Whom do you call less often?
  1. Who do you call up when you want to party?
  1. Do you expect customer service to be a toll-free number? Why?
  1. Have you ever called a police hotline? Was it helpful?
  1. Are you annoyed when you don’t have somebody’s direct line number and have to call their company and ask for this person’s extension? Is it possible to contact you by direct line number, or do you prefer people to dial your company’s switchboard?
  1. When you see an incoming call from an unknown number, do you pick it up? Why?
  1. In what situation would you remove the history of your outgoing calls?
  1. How  can you top up a prepaid mobile?
  1. How long can you hold when you are calling a helpline, and the line is busy?
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